Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Population Control?

This post might seem harsh. It's not, I promise. It's just something I've been thinking and wondering about lately.

I suppose lately my mind has been wandering in the direction of how the universe works. You know, what goes around comes around. Be good and the world will be good to you. Why can people who don't want children have babies and others who want them so badly cannot? I've been exploring (in my own mind) the way the world works, who is up there controlling how it works (if anyone) and why it works the way it does. And that brings me to my latest theory about the universe.

Population control.

There are over 7 billion humans on this earth now. More than the human race probably ever imagined would exist at one time. Did we ever think our planet could even hold this many people? Can it? Or are we just over-crowding Earth baby by baby, birth by birth, discovery after discovery of medicines and other things that elongate life.

Back in the day you were lucky to live to age 40. You got married at 15, had babies by 17, some of them lived, some of them died of dysentery or measles (Oregon Trail anyone?), you churned some butter, swept your dirt floor, died by 35 and called it a good life.

Now we are sticking 97 year olds with Alzheimer's in hospices and saying "yeah, cool humans can live for 100 years."

Woo, they don't know their own name, can't change their own underwear, don't recognize their family and we say we have improved the longevity of life? Someone please euthanize me if my husband (assuming I find one of those) pops out my dentures and feeds me mushy soup every day and I don't even know who he is. Put me out of my misery, and put that poor man out of his misery.

I do not need or want to take up space on this planet if I can't care for myself. What's the point? Make room for the 7 billion and third human. You don't even have to make a space six feet under for me. Cremate me and scatter my ashes in the Pacific. (Dear anyone who still knows me when I'm 90 ((Emily Moore)) this is an open letter to you).

So that actually brings me to my theory.

What if the Universe or God or Buddha or whoever, made some women infertile and some men sterile for a reason? Maybe humans (as well as other animals, I'm sure) are unable to have babies because if EVERYONE could have them, we really would have to just live on top of each other.

Unplanned pregnancies are at an all time high. Orphanages, group homes, and foster homes are overflowing with children of all ages who don't have a home, don't have a family, and don't have parents. If every human were able to bare children, how many more babies would be born unwanted?

Now, I don't mean to offend anyone. As most of you know, I have someone very dear to me who is in that group of women in the world who cannot have children on her own. I volunteered to help her do so, and am not, in any way, against in vitro or anything like that. How many times in life do people pay thousands of dollars for someone to help them have a baby and then say "eh, never mind I actually don't want this."

Those babies are more wanted than any other, I think. (Mom, I know I'm very wanted)

But have you ever thought about why they can't? For every woman (ok maybe for every 5 or 10 women, I didn't actually research this) who gets pregnant by mistake and gets an abortion, gives their child up for adoption, or God forbid, abandons their infant at a fire station, there is a woman who couldn't get pregnant even if she wanted to.

And maybe that is just natural population control. Maybe this is crazy and I made it up in my head and it makes no sense. However, I do still wonder. Humans are incredible creatures and we have grown and evolved into a very complex, very advanced species. How can you not wonder if we are this way for a reason? Just how newer generations are all having to get their wisdom teeth removed because our mouths are getting smaller, maybe more women and men are becoming infertile or sterile because our space on Earth is getting smaller as well.

I don't apologize for what I believe or my thoughts that are recently becoming blog posts. I truly am sorry, though, for offending anyone that may think this idea is incredibly insensitive. It's just a thought.

Cheers to those with a mind that wanders as much as mine.

xo, Tatum

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